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When does my house need repointing?

The weather in Britain has a lot to answer for. Brickwork is often the victim of all the stress and strain that mother nature can throw at it including snow, wind, driving rain and frost. As you can imagine, whilst brickwork is tough and designed to withstand mother nature, it cannot hold its own forever.

The mortar in the joints plays a crucial role in protecting the brickwork. After time this mortar breaks down leaving the bricks in your wall without the full protection that they need. This leaves brickwork exposed to the elements which could also lead to damp and damaged plaster.

When does my brickwork need repointing?

Your brickwork needs repointing as soon as the face of the mortar has perished. For more advice on this issue please get in touch via our contact page

The benefits of re-pointing include

  • Preservation of a historical building whilst still keeping the authenticity of the original bricks
  • Restore the image of an existing building without going to the effort of fully rebuilding walls.
  • Increase the resale value of your property, well pointed brickwork inspires confidence in the life span of properties as well as making them more aesthetically pleasing

We offer a range of pointing services accross Shaw, Royton, Oldham and the wider Greater Manchester area

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Propoint - pointing in the Northwest

"Contacted Propoint in reguards to the Indian stone flags at my farmhouse. Extremely happy with the work. Paul was very trustworthy and honest. Thanks again."

Sam Howarth Butterstile farm, Dobcross

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Our motto is simple

Good pointing makes bad bricks look good,
Bad pointing makes good bricks look bad