For a free quote or sample call us: 07890 103072

Pointing Services offered at Pro Point - Cheshire & Manchester

Propoint offer a complete range of pointing services for both domestic and commercial properties.

The Re-Pointing process

Repointing brickwork is a skilled craft, it is the process of removing deteriorated mortar from the joints of the wall and replacing it with new mortar. Such techniques give walls a new lease of life and are a cost effective method of maintaining a wall. At propoint the method we just to repoint is simple and correct. We always use a 5 inch angle grinder complete with diamond blades attatched. This gives a clean cut to both the top and bottom of the joint aswell as allowing us to reach the correct depth. Where necessary we use dust control units to minimise pollution.

After the joints are cut out we wash the building down from top to bottom making sure the wall is entirely dust free. We then begin the repointing process; applying the new mortar. We always use the correct tools on every job and do our best to match the original mortar colour. We are able to do this by doing several test panels until the customer is completely satisfied.

If you wish to sample our pointing please get in touch and arrange for a free sample to be done.

Patio Repair

picture of garden pathway

At propoint we carry out a lot of work repairing patios or pathways. Over time the Brittish weather can take its toll on patios in the same way it can to the brickwork in walls. The process we use to repairs patios and pathways is similar to that we use for brick walls. Please view our gallery to see pictures of some of the work we have done on patios and pathways

Brickwork Repairs

Brickwork repairs are carried out when bricks are spalled through weather damage. The damaged bricks are cut out and replaced with bricks to match the existing wall. This will help improve the image of your property aswell as provide extra protection and insulation.

Brickwork Waterproofing

It is advised that after the repointing process that a silicone sealant waterproofer is applied to protect the brickwork. The waterproofing solution helps to prevent water penetration which will provide extra protection against brickwork erosion.

Image of car

Propoint - pointing in the Northwest

"Contacted Propoint in reguards to the Indian stone flags at my farmhouse. Extremely happy with the work. Paul was very trustworthy and honest. Thanks again."

Sam Howarth Butterstile farm, Dobcross

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Our motto is simple

Good pointing makes bad bricks look good,
Bad pointing makes good bricks look bad